The Cardona Good Life

I met Jane whilst working on a short film for Stray Cinema in 2005. We hit off straight away and have been close friends ever since. I photographed her wedding to Andre Cardona the following year. Since then they have been living in Bedfordshire, rearing traditional British rare breed pigs & developing their smallholding with the help of their very charming and chatty son, Santiago. Find out more about the Cardona’s on their blog.



  • Ben - Great shoot Sarah, you have captured a real sense of pride and joy from the couple and their lovely son.ReplyCancel

  • Erika - Amazing, just amazing!ReplyCancel

  • tia ana - i love this pictures. It is a beautiful family and a good life. I love them so muchoReplyCancel

  • tia ana - i love the whole familyReplyCancel

  • Katie - Love this shoot. Well done Sarah and well done the Cardonas for being so gorgeous! xReplyCancel

  • Julia - They look so happy and wholesome, but in a really genuine way. I love the one of Jane carrying Santiago over her shoulder, while he’s trying to cartwheel out of her arms. Gorgeous.ReplyCancel

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